TABOO: Main title by Method Studios

Nice main title created by Method Studios for the TV show, TABOO: © Vincent Frei – The Art of VFX – 2017

ROGUE ONE – A STAR WARS STORY: UI and Motion Graphics...

Check out the retro style UI and motion graphics work of Blind LTD on ROGUE ONE - A STAR WARS STORY (click on the...

THE CROWN: Main Titles by Patrick Clair

Classy main titles for Netflix's THE CROWN directed by Patrick Clair and created by the teams of Elastic. WANT TO KNOW MORE? Elastic: Dedicated page about...

WESTWORLD: Main Title by Patrick Clair and Elastic

Another really nice main title directed by Patrick Clair and created by the teams of Elastic. This time for the new HBO serie, WESTWORLD: WANT...

LUKE CAGE: Opening title by Elastic

Check out this beautiful opening title created by Elastic for LUKE CAGE: CREDITS Produced by: Elastic Creative Director: Patrick Clair 2D Animators: Yongsub Song, Sam Sparks Lead Compositor: Stefan...

FEARLESS: Opening Title by The Mill

Beautiful opening title created by The Mill for Netflix's FEARLESS: WANT TO KNOW MORE? The Mill: Dedicated page about FEARLESS on The Mill website. © Vincent Frei...

Netflix Stranger Things

Nice homage to the 80s created by Imaginary Forces for Netflix's STRANGER THINGS: WANT TO KNOW MORE? Imaginary Forces: Dedicated page about STRANGER THINGS on Imaginary...

MARSEILLE: Main title by Brett & Cie

Beautitul main title created by Brett & Cie for the first french TV serie produced by Netflix, MARSEILLE (click on the picture below to...

DEADPOOL: Titles by Blur Studio

Art of the Title purpose a great article about the excellent titles of DEADPOOL created by Blur Studio: (click on the picture below to...

VIKINGS Season 4: Main titles by The Mill

Stylish main tiles by The Mill for the Season 4 of VIKINGS: WANT TO KNOW MORE? The Mill: Dedicated page about X on The Mill website. VIKINGS...