Tag: Autrechose
Bambi, l’histoire d’une vie dans les bois: VFX Breakdown by Autrechose
The invisible visual effects work by Autrechose in Bambi, l'histoire d'une vie dans les bois blends seamlessly with the film’s world, adding layers of...
Mon chat et Moi: VFX Breakdown by Autrechose
Let's discover the environment and creatures work made by the teams of Autrechose on the French movie, Mon chat et Moi:
WANT TO KNOW MORE?Autrechose:...
Les Randonneuses: VFX Breakdown by Autrechose
Let's discover the seamless work made by the teams of the Paris-based studio Autrechose on the French series, Les Randonneuses:
© Vincent Frei – The...
Notre-Dame, la part du feu
Netflix is taking us back on the night that Notre-Dame burned in the series, Notre-Dame, la part du feu:
The VFX are made by:The Yard...
La Lutte des Classes: VFX Breakdown by Autrechose
Let's have a look at the seamless work made by the Paris based studio AutreChose on the movie, La Lutte des Classes (click on...
autreCHOSE Showreel 2021
Let's have a look at the work made by Parisian studio autreCHOSE on Edmond, The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, Romance, Boule & Bill...
Nice VFX breakdown by AutreChose about their work on BELLE & SEBASTIAN - THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES:
© Vincent Frei – The Art of VFX –...